Ian Mills Eligible for May Commencement

Ian Mills

Dr. Ian Mills, who graduated in December from the Graduate Program in Religion, is eligible for the May hooding and commencement ceremony at Duke University. Mills was one of the few applicants chosen for the Graduate Program in Religion who came to us directly following his undergraduate degree, a B.A. from the University of Minnesota.

During his time at Duke, Mills published three peer-reviewed journal articles, two book chapters and two book reviews. He had extensive teaching experience as well, acting as a teaching assistant and instructor for Duke University, as a preceptor and instructor for Duke Divinity School, and as an instructor for Elon University. During his time in the program, Mills gave thirteen conference presentations and six invited lectures .

Mills secured a number of fellowships while at Duke, which allowed him a breadth of research opportunities. He studied Syriac Language and Paleography at Dumbarton Oaks and Hill Manuscript Museum & Library, Classical Armenian at Catholic University of America, the Reception of Eusebius of Caesarea at Dumbarton Oaks, Greek Papyrus in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and Apophthegmata Patrum Manuscripts in the National Library of Greece. His ancient research languages include Classical Greek, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, and Syriac; his modern research languages are German and French.