
The chart below shows a full listing of Duke Graduate Program in Religion courses. Please note that some courses are not offered in all semesters.

In addition, students may be interested in classes offered by Duke's Department of Religious Studies, Center for Jewish Studies, Duke Divinity School, or the UNC Department of Religious Studies. Links to their courses are provided in the menu on the right.

Course Numbering System

500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

Select from the following menus to filter the table.
Number Title Codes
RELIGION 503S The Black Radical Tradition CCI, EI, SS
RELIGION 505S Dystopia, Speculation, and the Transhuman: Octavia Butler CCI, EI, ALP
RELIGION 511S The Fetish: The Role of Things in Spiritual, Economic, and Sexual Life CCI, EI, CZ, SS
RELIGION 524S Columbus: A Global History CCI, R, W, CZ
RELIGION 527S Islam and Human Rights CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
RELIGION 532S The Evil Eye in Material Culture from Late Antiquity to Islam CCI, R, ALP, CZ
RELIGION 552S Live Images: Ancient and Medieval Representations of the Divine CCI, W, ALP, CZ
RELIGION 560S Reading Heidegger CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
RELIGION 580S History of Buddhist and Christian Interactions CCI, CZ
RELIGION 581S Pan-Asianism, Religion, and the State in Modern Asia CCI, EI, CZ
RELIGION 605S Blackness, Social Death, and the Volatile Sacred CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
RELIGION 606S Hebrew Biblical Texts
RELIGION 620 Exegesis of the Hebrew Old Testament
RELIGION 630-11 Exegesis of the Greek New Testament II: The Synoptic Gospels R
RELIGION 635S Exegesis of the Greek New Testament: John's Gospel R, ALP, CZ
RELIGION 636S Passion Narratives in Greek
RELIGION 663 Islam and Modernism CCI
RELIGION 665S Islamic Philosophy & Mysticism (Sufi's Approach to Philosophy) CCI, EI, CZ
RELIGION 690 Special Topics in Religion
RELIGION 690S Special Topics in Religion
RELIGION 700 East Asian Studies Core Course: Fields and Methods
RELIGION 701S Elementary Syriac
RELIGION 703S Aramaic
RELIGION 707 Introductory Sanskrit Language and Literature
RELIGION 708 Intermediate Sanskrit Grammar and Readings
RELIGION 709 The Septuagint
RELIGION 710S Academic Writing for Ancient Studies
RELIGION 733 Living Issues in New Testament Theology
RELIGION 743 The Life of Paul
RELIGION 749S Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
RELIGION 752S Faith and Reason
RELIGION 756 Happiness, Virtue, and Friendship
RELIGION 759S Health Care in Theological Context II
RELIGION 765S Existentialism, Nihilism, and Religion
RELIGION 767S How Blackness Thinks
RELIGION 768S Segregated Sundays: Church, Race, Class, and Caste
RELIGION 770 Islamic Interconnectivities
RELIGION 771S Islam, Medicine, and Healing
RELIGION 772S Cross-Cultural Encounters
RELIGION 773S Islam, Law, and Society
RELIGION 774S Ideology and Religion in Muslim Central Eurasia
RELIGION 775S Sociology of Religion
RELIGION 776S Genealogies of Secularism
RELIGION 777S Gandhi's Modernity: Insights & Ironies
RELIGION 780S American Foreign Missions and Chinese Christianity
RELIGION 781S Protestantism and the Making of Modern China
RELIGION 782S Modern Christianity Outside The West
RELIGION 783S Christianity's Encounter with Other Religions and Cultures: The Case of East Asia
RELIGION 786S Islam, Art, & Society
RELIGION 790 Readings in Buddhist Texts
RELIGION 791S Literary Translation: History, Theory and Practice
RELIGION 799 Special Readings in Religion
RELIGION 802S Atheisms before Secularism from Socrates to Spinoza
RELIGION 809 Selected Sanskrit Readings
RELIGION 810 Palace Intrigue: Ecclesiastes and Esther as Philosophy, Art, and Politics
RELIGION 815S Readings in Early Christian Literature: Greek
RELIGION 818S Pioneers in World Christianity
RELIGION 842 Calvin and the Reformed Tradition
RELIGION 844S Protestants and Pictures
RELIGION 846S Visual Culture of Modern Christianity
RELIGION 850S Evangelical Traditions in America
RELIGION 854S The Social Organization of American Religion
RELIGION 857 American Religious Biography
RELIGION 859S Roman Catholic Visual Piety in the Modern Era
RELIGION 879S Religion and Media
RELIGION 881S Jerusalem/Istanbul
RELIGION 882S Spaces, Bodies, and Narratives: Mapping Religion in Colonial India
RELIGION 884S Religion & Technology
RELIGION 885 Christian Manuscript Culture
RELIGION 887S Introduction to Rabbinic Literature
RELIGION 888S Biblical Hebrew Advanced Prose Syntax
RELIGION 889 Religion, Restrictions, and Violence
RELIGION 890 Special Topics in Religion
RELIGION 890S Special Topics in Religion
RELIGION 895S Medieval Jewish Biblical Interpretation
RELIGION 900S African American Religion Through the Literary Imagination
RELIGION 905S Advanced Syriac
RELIGION 910S Ethnography of Religion
RELIGION 911S Religious Material Culture in Theory and Practice
RELIGION 912S Theorizing Religion
RELIGION 913S Comparative Ritual Theory
RELIGION 914S Modernity of Religion
RELIGION 916 Topics in the Study of Japanese Religions
RELIGION 919S Transnational Confucianism
RELIGION 920S Ibn Arabi's Sufism: Islamic Theoretical Mysticism
RELIGION 921 Issues in Contemporary Systematic Theology in America and England
RELIGION 925S Exegesis of the Hebrew Text of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
RELIGION 930S Death and Dying in Late Antiquity
RELIGION 934S Synoptic Gospels in Greek
RELIGION 935S Gospel of John in Greek
RELIGION 936S Passion Narratives in Greek
RELIGION 937S Historical Jesus
RELIGION 946S Comparative Medieval Philosophy (Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Al-Ghazali, Averroes, Maimonides, Aquinas)
RELIGION 947S Comparative Religious Studies (Case Study of Judaism, Christianity & Islam)
RELIGION 952S Doctoral Seminar in Early Christianity
RELIGION 996S Teaching in Religion