Teaching & Learning Group

This group—led by students, for students—focuses on pedagogy and professional development. The group sponsors lunch and happy hour events on various topics throughout the academic year. All students in the GPR are invited to participate.

If you attend 8 Teaching and Learning events, even if they span several semesters, you are eligible to get credit in RELIGION 996—Teaching in Religion. To get credit for RELIGION 996, you must do the following:

  1. Attend at least 8 T&L sessions
  2. Have at least 2 semesters of teaching experience (as preceptor, teaching assistant or instructor)
  3. Write a 5-page reflection paper or a syllabus for an undergraduate or Divinity course
  4. Have a dedicated meeting with a faculty member (preferably one for whom you have been a teaching assistant) at which the teaching experience, course evaluations, and the paper or syllabus is discussed
  5. Complete and submit the REL 996 checklist.

In addition to being a stand-alone credit, RELIGION 996 satisfies one of the 2 required courses for the Duke Graduate School's Certificate in College Teaching. It was recently announced that the Graduate Program in Religion has more students involved in the Certificate in College Teaching than any other department on campus!